Fareham Rifle and Pistol Club

Owing to forces beyond our control, we have been evicted from the premises we have occupied for nearly fifty years.
Fareham Rifle and Pistol Club closed its doors on the 28th February 2019.
This means our Members, disabled, pensioners, youngsters, GB national squad, Olympic, Paralympic, Dwarf World Games and World Championship medal winners, and just normal guys and gals interested in shooting and archery, have nowhere to practise our sport.
The Club will continue as an entity until at least March 2024.
We are looking for new premises, so anyone with a half acre or more of land, preferably with a nice long building, amenities, power, water etc, or just somewhere we could build a range, please email the Webmaster.
The website is obviously udergoing change, it will remain essentially in its present shortened form until we have a more positive future.
Click here for further news, events, updates etc.